Next MPO Meeting
The next Danville MPO Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 11th at 5:30pm at the Danville Regional Airport. For more information, please contact the Danville MPO staff.
Public Meeting Notice – PRICE Grant
You are cordially invited to attend a public meeting held by the West Piedmont Planning District Commission (WPPDC) on Tuesday, May 14th to discuss the Preservation & Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) grant. The grant is worth $225 million...
Local Tourism Offices Unveil “Virginia’s Moonshine Heritage Trail” Brand
Visit Franklin County, Visit Patrick County, Visit Floyd, and the West Piedmont Planning District Commission (WPPDC) tourism initiative Life in SOVA are excited to announce the unveiling of "Virginia's Moonshine Heritage Trail" brand. The event will take place on...
Danville MPO Seeks Input on Road Safety
The West Piedmont Planning District Commission (WPPDC)/Danville Metropolitan Planning Organization (Danville MPO) is working with residents and safety personnel in the Danville Metropolitan Area to create a Safe Streets and Roads for All Action Plan (SS4A) through a...
VATI Site Visit in Patrick County
On Monday, April 8th, representatives from Charter Communications (Spectrum) hosted a site visit with representatives from Patrick County, West Piedmont Planning District Commission, and the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (Virginia...
Dick & Willie Extension Nears Completion
Later this year, all extensions of the Dick & Willie Trail will be complete, enabling trail users to travel from the shopping center housing Ollie’s and Rose’s near Walmart, approximately ten miles to the Smith River Sports Complex. The original 4.5-mile...
Danville MPO to Re-apply for Next Phase of Connector Road Funding
The Danville Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), staffed by the West Piedmont Planning District Commission (WPPDC), will re-submit a grant proposal this year requesting funds for the second phase of the connector road at Berry Hill. The first phase of...
Patrick County Tourism Summit Highlights
West Piedmont Planning District Commission staff had the pleasure of attending the Patrick County Tourism Summit on Monday, April 8th, at Fairy Stone State Park. Tourism partners and businesses networked with each other while hearing information and updates in...
West Piedmont Planning District Commission Releases Comprehensive Housing Study in Partnership with Virginia Tech and HousingForward Virginia
The West Piedmont Planning District Commission (WPPDC) is pleased to announce the release of a comprehensive housing study conducted in collaboration with the Virginia Center for Housing Research at Virginia Tech (VCHR) and HousingForward Virginia (HFV). This...