WPPDC West Broadband Project
WPPDC West Project Description
The WPPDC West Universal Broadband Project is a project funded through a $33,571,073 grant from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) Virginia Telecommunication Initiative (VATI) Program with $59,425,085 in match funding from RiverStreet Networks and local government partners. Participating local governments include Franklin, Henry, and Patrick counties. The purpose of this project is to build fiber to the home (FTTH) broadband service to approximately 10,056 unserved locations.
Project activities include engineering, 1,117 miles of fiber installation, fiber splicing, installation of electronics to light fibers, and fiber drops to homes, businesses, and community locations that sign up for service.
Combined Notice: Finding of No Significant Impact & Intent to Request for Release of Funds
Current project status:
Preliminary design is complete, and fiber design is in progress. Lidar collection is complete, and lidar data processing is also complete. Lidar field verification is in progress, with varying completion percentages across the counties (Franklin: 72%, Henry: 86%). Drafting/Permitting is in progress at 37% for Franklin, 21% for Henry, and 19% for Patrick.
Fiber design & engineering are complete for some segments but still in progress for others. Make-ready construction is underway in some areas, with expected start dates for aerial construction in mid-2024.
As of now, no fiber has been installed in any of the regions. The project is still in the engineering and permitting phase.
Estimated Construction and Installation Dates:
Aerial construction percentages vary by area, with Franklin/Dickinson at 113% completed and others still in the early stages (e.g., Franklin/Sago at 6%).
Fiber splicing and cabinet/enclosure installation have not yet started in any county.