Legislative Services

What is the Legislative Services Program?

The West Piedmont Planning District Commission (WPPDC) aims to represent the interests and positions of the localities they serve through the Legislative Services Program. Annually, the WPPDC will draft legislative priorities with input from each locality and approval from the Board of Commissioners.

The legislative program is a tool for meeting and communicating with state and federal-level representatives. On the state-level, much of the communication occurs during the annual legislative session (January – March); however, the “off-season” is a prime time to have more in-depth discussions with legislators and help them plan and develop legislation or budget amendments to address the needs and concerns of the locality.

The WPPDC Legislative Services team will relay important information to the WPPDC board, staff, and localities throughout the year as well as seek feedback on issues that may be of concern or interest.

If you have a legislative concern that needs addressed at the state or federal levels, the WPPDC Legislative Services team can help you develop an action plan and connect you with legislators and their staff.

Kristie Eberly
Executive Director

Funding, Revenue & Taxation

The WPPDC urges the Commonwealth to continue providing creative and flexible financial support and accommodations as necessary to address unprecedented new challenges for local economies and to help restore and strengthen them.

The WPPDC opposes any legislation intended to restrict or limit local government taxing authority including the BPOL Tax.

The WPPDC supports the elimination of state exemptions limiting the amount of local machinery and tool taxes which may be collected on solar power farm equipment and facilities.

Finally, the WPPDC supports the creation of a sustainable approach to address funding and delivery of services for children and youth under the Children’s Services Act (CSA) to stem ever burgeoning local government costs.


WPPDC supports maintaining and expanding federal and state funding and appropriate incentives to foster affordable housing development, including workforce housing.

Regional Cooperation

The WPPDC supports increased state funding for the Commonwealth’s 21 planning districts to further their vital mission to promote collaborative approaches to issues which are regional in scope.


The WPPDC supports the state fully funding the Standards of Quality recommended by the State Board of Education and the Standards of Accreditation.

Economic Development

WPPDC supports federal and state funding for infrastructure and industrial site improvements to enhance the tiered ranking of industrial sites in the region.

Additionally, the WPPDC encourages the General Assembly to develop new economic development incentives to compete with neighboring states. Localities within the WPPDC’s service area are routinely and distinctly disadvantaged by North Carolina’s larger, more aggressive incentive packages.

Workforce Development

The WPPDC supports federal/state funding and program initiatives to address the opioid crisis by targeting prevention, treatment, recovery, and workforce re-entry support programs.


The WPPDC supports sustainable state funding for Smart Scale and other state programs necessary to support critical long term transportation investments to facilitate economic prosperity in the West Piedmont Region. Additionally, the WPPDC encourages an increase in funding for rural counties.

The WPPDC supports the creation of a new inland port in Southern Virginia to facilitate the timely transport of goods from the region’s business community and the attendant economic development impact such a facility would create in the region


WPPDC urges the Commonwealth and the federal government to assist communities in efforts to deploy universal affordable access to the internet in underserved areas.

WPPDC advocates continued state support of local and regional authorities created under the Virginia Wireless Service Authorities Act, Virginia Resources Authority, and other favorable financing mechanisms for broadband projects. Assistance should include economic incentives, along with budgetary and statutory policies facilitating broadband deployment and adoption.

The WPPDC opposes mandates restricting local land use authority over the siting of telecommunications infrastructure.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

The WPPDC supports expanding electronic meetings outside declared emergency periods with flexibility for localities and regional organizations to determine how to include public participation and public comment.

Law Enforcement Funding

The WPPDC advocates for continued funding of school resource officers in Virginia public school systems as a vital public safety measure to protect students, faculty, and staff.

The WPPDC advocates state funding support for local law enforcement personnel at a level adequate to enable localities to retain experienced personnel in a market including competition from both the Virginia state police and North Carolina law enforcement agencies.

Finally, the WPPDC supports Governor Youngkin’s Operation Bold Blue Line to reduce violent crimes throughout our communities, as well as the implementation of Attorney General Miyares’ Operation Ceasefire. The WPPDC looks forward to seeing these programs funded and implemented in the Cities of Martinsville and Danville.

Outdoor Recreation

The WPPDC encourages funding for developing and implementing a master plan for the Mayo River State Park. The Commonwealth purchased land in Henry and Patrick counties more than a decade ago for a new state park.