West Piedmont Planning District Commission

Serving the Counties of Franklin • Henry • Patrick • Pittsylvania

City of Danville • City of Martinsville • Town of Rocky Mount

Upcoming Events

Housing Program

Access application materials for the WPPDC Housing Production Program.

Agritourism and Agribusiness

Learn more about the Regional Agritourism and Agribusiness Development Program.


WPPDC received VATI grant awards for three broadband projects.

CEDS 5-Year Update

A regional economic development plan developed with input from partners across the region.

Recent News

The Danville-Pittsylvania Regional Industrial Facility Authority seeks opinions regarding the need for regional public transportation

The Danville-Pittsylvania Regional Industrial Facility Authority (RIFA) is seeking opinions regarding the need for a regional bus service to support...

PRO Grant Public Meeting Notice

You are cordially invited to attend a public meeting held by the West Piedmont Planning District Commission (WPPDC) on Friday, September 27th to...

RIDE Solutions Seeks Public Input for Transportation Plan

RIDE Solutions, which serves as the commuter assistance program for the West Piedmont Region and is a subsidiary of the statewide ConnectingVA commuter resources program, is developing a strategic plan to identify commuter and general transportation needs in our region, and to formulate strategies to meet those needs. Specifically, the plan will assess alternative transportation modes such as bus service, carpooling, vanpooling, and to a lesser extent, bicycling infrastructure throughout the region, and perhaps beyond.

Covid and changing dynamics in our region have continued to shape how and where residents are employed and travel for their work and non-work trips alike; therefore, this plan will help us to identify the latest trends and to plan for them accordingly.

“While large metro areas such as Richmond and Northern Virginia are served by extensive transit systems and ride-share services such as Uber and Lyft, not to mention vanpools, many of those options are not readily available in our region,” said Joe Bonanno, Senior Planner with the West Piedmont Planning District Commission and the RIDE Solutions Regional Coordinator. “This plan will help us to better understand where the needs are, and the types of transportation options desired by the residents of our region.”
This plan would be incomplete without your input, so we encourage you to take a brief survey to help us understand where you believe the greatest transportation needs are and how we can address them – even if you don’t commute or are not currently in the workforce. The survey will be available until Sunday, September 15th, and can be accessed by clicking here.

Welcome to West Piedmont PDC

The West Piedmont Planning District Commission (WPPDC) is a regional planning organization serving the counties of Franklin, Henry, Patrick, and Pittsylvania; the cities of Danville and Martinsville; and the Town of Rocky Mount. Formed in 1970, the WPPDC is one of twenty-one state designated planning districts in the Commonwealth of Virginia charged with developing collaborative regional approaches to issues of greater than local impact including, but not limited to, economic development, transportation, and legislative priorities. 

The WPPDC seeks to carry out its mission by facilitating regional thinking and dialogue among the district’s local governments, K-12 and higher educational institutions, economic development organizations, workforce development, and other key stakeholders. In other states, organizations like PDC’s are known as regional councils, regional commissions, and councils of government.

Member Localities